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“So, my heart is broken and life stinks! How do I find a “real” Spellcaster to make it right??” – this authority website (established in 2013) is my reply to that comment. Welcome to WhichSpellsWork!

My name is Jessica Adams. I started this spells review facility to help people find real & genuine powerful online Spellcasters (only 3 out of the 19 tested made the grade).

FACT: Real spells do not care if you are in the right or wrong...

...because they are your very own Love and Money miracles working for YOU.

(and right now, you're just 2 minutes away from requesting anything that you wish for - with no restrictions)

Why struggle the hard way and fail - when the "easy" answer is tried, tested and ready for you here.

Love, Ex-back Spells and Money and Lottery Spells have made HUGE differences to peoples' lives wherever they may live.

Many fans of this site have used the services recommended and report they are indeed expert, safe to use, and powerful (and especially effective for love issues, curse protection and creating abundance). Enjoy and… if you find this site useful, please share with your like-minded friends!

FAIR DISCLOSURE: In response to the very many emails asking “…which Spellcaster has the most absolute power” for sheer results coupled with rebound safety – Patrick from and The "Dok" at have no rival.

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Spells That Work?

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The 3 most powerful magic sites that really work!


Brief Overview Of My Top Online Magic Sites Reviews

Real Black Magic Spells Review

Ex Back Spells

Love Spells

Money & Lottery Spells

Maybe the only black magic Spellcaster who uses black magic that will not give you any bad karma or side-effect. Only for hard or near to impossible cases.

Note: If you are uncomfortable with the thought of such power, this site is probably not for you.

Patrick has honed his total understanding of black magic and satanic spells for over 20 years. He explains that for a spell to work, it must have ultimate control and dominance of a situation and that this can only be achieved by casting spells truly capable of doing that.

Patrick is known to cast the most powerful Love Spells, Ex-back Spells, Money and Gambling Spells (great for Lottery).

White magic can only influence a situation to varying degrees, only the use of black magic can dominate.

Patrick explains: "Spells are used to obtain what YOU want - it is all about YOU. Spells require honesty, and as each human being seeks personal survival, that means we want money to better our lives, and the lives of those around us. You want a certain lover because he or she will improve your life, and your spell will ensure they enjoy you in their life too, but the fact is, it is all about what you want, everything in your life is about what you want."

Patrick guarantees his black magic spells will not backfire, only spells not cast properly backfire, spells cast correctly achieve their mission, which is to manifest fast and permenant results

patrick Ask patrick

My Findings:

Highly recommended for both Love and Money spells.

Visit Official RealBlackMagicSpells Website

Real Magic

used Patrick after learning about no side-effects, he was amazing and helped me sooo much!


CLICK to hear what Real Clients say >>

Doktor Skull Review

Almost "Scary" (But Safe) Power
That Is Truly Out Of This World!

Unmatched Love and Money Power

A master of the mysterious art of Haitian Voodoo - Doktor Skull supercharges the outcomes he gains for his clients by infusing specific "Black Magic" rituals and practices, to create a super-hybrid "Black Magic Voodoo" system that is more than the sum of its parts.

Briefly, if you've ever bought spells before they most likely haven't worked. That is not good enough!

If you still yearn for what you want and need - step-up to Doktor Skull and never look back!

Based in Stratford, England, Doktor Skull says:

"People mainly come to me when other spells haven't worked... usually they've wasted money on "white" Spellcasters who haven't made one iota of difference.

I then get them the results they want!

Love Spells by Krystal Review

A Beautiful White Magick Witch
With Goddess Power!

Ready to Experience TRUE LOVE?

Krystal’s love & obsession spells manifest quickly after they’re cast, propelling you toward full love-happiness. You’ll soon have the pleasure of enjoying true Soulmate love, and endless passionate romance with the person of your dreams.

“Patrick is a great Spellcaster. things in my life have changed for me now. Thank you and blessed be”

– Miguelle

“The "Dok" granted my almost impossible love spell wish! Thanks for showing me his power!”

– Tracey

“Patrick is a great person – he has helped me tremendously & I am very grateful. He does great work, and I highly recommend him to anyone. THANK YOU!”

– Mark

“Amazing and fantastic results for my wish. thank you Krystal!!! xxxx ”

– Tia

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